GenPath® is now offering OnkoRisk hereditary cancer program that includes guideline-based testing, a fast turnaround time, and genetics education and counseling upon request. With its easy-to- decipher menu and comprehensive genetic services, OnkoRisk makes testing patients at risk for hereditary cancer easier than ever. GenPath’s OnkoRisk is approachable genetic testing, incorporating realistic genetic services into clinical practice.

OnkoRisk Advantages

Streamlined test menu

OnkoRisk panels focuses on genes with definitive or well-established guideline-based evidence of clinical utility and have been carefully curated by molecular pathologists, clinical molecular geneticists, and genetic counselors to simplify test selection.

Genetic counseling support

GenPath’s new OnkoRisk Hereditary Cancer Program brings supportive genetic education and counseling directly to your patients. Simply add the counseling codes for OnkoRisk pre-test genetic counseling (TQ06-1) and/or OnkoRisk post-test genetic counseling (TQ07-9) when sending your patient’s sample and OnkoRisk test order to GenPath.

Rapid turnaround times

OnkoRisk provides actionable test results in as fast as 14 days* for timely initiation of medical management.

Single-source solution for cancer care

GenPath offers a comprehensive test portfolio to provide a single-source solution to support the continuum of care of cancer patients- from risk assessment to treatment planning. Choosing GenPath can help healthcare providers with a centralized and straightforward operation so they can focus on treating the patients.

Billing Policy

GenPath provides an online Cost Estimator tool where patients can find in-network status or out-of-pocket costs. Self-pay is also available to those patients who do not have health insurance or opted not to use their health insurance.

OnkoRisk is currently available to Non-NY clients only.